March 2, 2017 The Evergreen School

A second grade class from The Evergreen School arrived in the Market Classroom, very excited. Somehow, the word had got back to them from their classmates, who toured the Market the day before, that there was a treat in store for them – doughnuts! Sorry folks, not today. To make matters worse, tour leader Katrina announced that the samples for the day were deep-fried daffodil bulbs:

There was a gasp – but then a rush of hands from those who wanted to try whatEVER it was. If you click on the picture below a couple of times, you will see that the sample was NOT a daffodil bulb:

Later on, a group enjoyed some amazing slight of hand by Jonathan at the Magic Shop in the Market:

Down one more level, perceptions were challenged by the photography of Scott at Reflecting on Seattle:

While another group toured nearby, a special guest appeared in the hallway of Level 3. It was Rick, who is a video artist at ChefSteps. His daughter Audrey was a student on the tour. Rick gave the students markers so they could draw food on the windows. Some drew carrots, some drew pizza, some drew fish.

Rick, by the way, painted the animals, seafood, fruits and veggies that appear on the wall across from Chef Steps (and on their door). His helper, Audrey, even got to paint a crab (see the lower right corner on the wall):

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