Gearing up for 2015-16!

Yes, the new school year is finally upon us, and schoolkids will be returning to the Pike Place Market for another year of exciting and enriching learning experiences. On Sept. 22, Scott Davies, director of the Education Program at the Market, welcomed a group of tour leaders who are absolutely ready to go!

We took a quick tour through the Market, to remind merchants we were going to be stopping by (and giving them our schedule), and also to check out some of the new businesses. The Market never stands still! One relatively new business that is well established and also very welcoming to student visitors is Britt’s Pickles. Here, Andrew explains how their pickles are very different from most:

09-22-15bWe wrapped up our visit with a trip to the best view in the Market, courtesy of the Inn at the Market.


We are ready!

L-R: Amy, Sharron, Scott, Anna, Melinda, Linda, Katrina, Don, Ingrid, Mark, Gloria. Not pictured: Megan, Jackie. Elan, Ron, Laurie
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