
Here are a few videos from the educational tours…..

An example of some of the incredible talent students may encounter at the Market is this short excerpt by amazing busker Jeffrey Circus:

Just before Christmas, 2013, David, at  La Buona Tavola, spent some time explaining about truffles, and even giving a lucky group a tasty sample:

In February of 2016, Rebecca, from indi chocolate, explained the basics of how they make chocolate, and offered an inedible sample:

In an all time classic from many years of expanding on economics, culture, wonder, and terror, here is Steve, from Golden Age Collectibles, spending 3:45 with a group, teaching about Manga, and showing what to do if you encounter Godzilla:

Bill, from the Magic Shop in the Market, spends three minutes amazing a group with a special card trick, while answering the phone right in the middle of the Magic:

Scott Davies, director of the Education Program, demonstrated the Tibetian “singing bowls” at  Tenzing Momo:

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